SEWORKS gives you the guidelines for keeping your Apps secure
Application security may be becoming a more perilous minefield of potential threats with each passing year, but it’s also simultaneously developing into perhaps the most important topic of concern for any company putting apps out into the world.
With security threats poised at every turn to exploit your team’s hard work and pervert your efforts for their own ends, you really need to mount a solid defense and anticipate all the elements of your product that could potentially harm your long-term prospects, your service or the safety of your user data. In many cases, the integrity of your app and its very reputation may be on the line if a data breach does occur. There’s no time to waste in devising a way to safeguard your app.
OWASP has released Top 10 risks for web apps and mobile apps.
The tools you can use to discover your security vulnerabilities before hackers.
Everything you do for your app should be built upon a foundation of safety and security.